Selected Video Interviews With, or Presentations by, Ted Shortliffe

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2023 New York Academy of Medicine Annual Awards, Academy Plaque For Exceptional Service to the Academy - September 27, 2023, Introduced by Dr. Wayne J. Riley (YouTube)

New York Academy of Medicine Authors' Night, Discussion of Book "Intelligent Systems in Medicine and Health: The Role of AI" - October 19, 2022, Speakers: Vimla L. Patel and Edward H. Shortliffe (YouTube)

2022 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Stanford BMI Program, Speakers: Curt Langlotz, Russ Altman, Holly Jimison (YouTube)

2021 IMIA François Grémy Award of Excellence, Acceptance Speech: 'The Science of Informatics', Medinfo 2021 - October 2, 2021 (presented virtually)(YouTube)

Presentation on 'Biomedical AI', Minnesota HIMSS Chapter Presentation - August 19, 2021 (presented virtually)

Presentation on 'Biomedical AI: Its Roots, Evolution, and Agenda for the Future', Visual and Automated Disease Analytics Graduate Training Program, Data Science & AI Summer School, Universities of Manitoba and Victoria - July 13, 2021 (presented virtually)

Presentation on 'Biomedical AI: Its Roots, Evolution, and Early Days at Stanford' , Departmental Seminar, Biomedical Dats Science Department, Stanford University School of Medicine, February 4, 2021 (presented virtually; talk begins at 00:04:39)

Convocation Address by Dr. Ted Shortliffe at the Tefler School of Management Commencement Ceremonies, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada - June 2017 (YouTube)

Interview with Dr. Ted Shortliffe on the Evolution of Medical AI and Biomedical Informatics, HealthIMPACT Forum, New York City, May 2016 (YouTube)

Interview with EH Shortliffe at Healthcare Leadership Forum, Chicago, November 2013 (.mp4 file)

Biomedical Informatics: Assessing its Evolving Role as both Science and Application. Medical Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, NYU, New York, April 2013 (scroll to sixth video)

Healthcare IT Live Episode #20 w/ Dr. Ted Shortliffe, Interview and discussion carried out via Google Hangout, April 2013 (YouTube)

The Amplification of Informatics Challenges in the Era of Genomic Medicine, Department of Biomedical Informatics Seminar, Arizona State University and Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ, March 7, 2013 (Vimeo Web Site)

Biomedical Informatics: The Evolution of the Science and its Application, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, March 17, 2011 (YouTube)

Relevance of AMIA to the Nation's Health and Health Care, AMIA-TV, Washington, DC, November 2010 (YouTube)

Informatics Leader Discusses future of Hot New Health Field, Focus Washington, Washington, DC, September 2010 (YouTube)

2006 Morris F. Collen Award: Edward H. Shortliffe, MD, PhD, FACMI, Presented by the American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI) at the AMIA Annual Symposium, November 2006 (YouTube)

Introductory Presentation on Biomedical Informatics, Arizona State University, Scottsdale, AZ, January 19, 2006 (.wmv file)

Detailed MYCIN demonstration (Part 1), (Part 2), (Part 3), Recorded upon retirement of last computer on which it ran, November 1988 (YouTube)