Human Computer Interaction in Healthcare:
The Role of Cognition (Second Edition)

(Springer Nature, 2nd edition November 2024)

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This volume, edited in the second edition by Andre W. Kushniruk, David R. Kaufman, Thomas G. Kannampallil, and Vimla L. Patel, will be published by Springer Nature in their Cognitive Informatics (CI) book series. Human-computer interaction (HCI) is critical to the adoption, acceptance, and use of technology in health care. Central to assuring usable systems is one's ability to understand the impact of technology on human cognition, including clinical reasoning, decision-making, and communication. This second edition continues and extends the focus of the first volume (which appeared in 2015) to highlight key areas where cognitive aspects of HCI play a critical role. The book begins with a discussion of the foundations of cognitive theories to lay the groundwork for the subsequent chapters. This includes focusing on the relationship between cognition and human-centered design and coverage of several influential frameworks and models of HCI. In the second section, the book highlights the state-of-the-art approaches to the evaluation of HCI, followed by a section that introduces the reader to a variety of approaches, grounded in cognitive theory, that underlie effective designs of health information systems. In the final section, the reader is introduced to emerging healthcare applications, including mobile, AI, and visualization tools, that illustrate the methods described throughout the book, emphasizing how they can enhance goals for effective and acceptable HCI. The authors explain how cognitive approaches to designing, evaluating, and implementing health information systems can lead to more usable and useful technologies. The book ends with discussions of emerging trends, looking forward to future work focused on the role of HCI and human cognition in assuring that our systems enhance the quality of health care.

Human Computer Interaction in Healthcare: The Role of Cognition (Second Edition)


Andre W. Kushniruk, PhD, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia

David R. Kaufman, PhD, Downstate Medical Center,State University of New York,Brooklyn,NY

Thomas G. Kannampallil, PhD, Washington University (WUSTL), St. Louis, MO

Vimla L. Patel, PhD, DSc, New York Academy of Medicine, New York, NY

Table of Contents

Front Matter


Foreword by Edward H. Shortliffe

Preface by Vimla L. Patel

Table of Contents and Contributors

Part I. Foundations

  1. A Multi-disciplinary Science of Human Computer Interaction in Biomedical Informatics

Vimla Patel, Thomas Kannampallil and David R. Kaufman

  1. Cognition and Human Computer Interaction in Healthcare

David Kaufman, Thomas Kannampallil and Vimla Patel

  1. Theoretical Foundations for Health Communication Research and Practice

Daniel Morrow and Karen Dunn Lopez

  1. Applications and Challenges of Human Computer Interaction and AI Interfaces for Health Care

           Megan Hutch and Yuan Luo

Part II. Approaches to Evaluation

  1. Evaluation of Health Information Technology: Methods, Frameworks and Challenges

Thomas Kannampallil and Joanna Abraham

  1. Computational Ethnography: Automated and Unobtrusive Means for Collecting Data in situ for Human-Computer Interaction Evaluation Studies

Kai Zheng, David Hanauer, Nadir Weibel and Zia Agha

  1. Analyzing Video-Based Human-Computer Interaction Data in Healthcare Using a Cognitive-Socio-Technical Framework

Andre Kushniruk and Elizabeth Borycki

  1. A Cognitive Approach to Understanding and Mitigating a Pernicious Infodemic

David Kaufman and Tony Taylor

  1. Visual Analytics: Leveraging Cognitive Principles to Accelerate Biomedical Discoveries

Suresh Bhavnani

Part III. Design

  1. User-centered Design and Evaluation of Health Information Systems: A Rapid Usability Engineering Approach

Andre Kushniruk, Helen Monkman, Elizabeth Borycki and Joseph Kannry

  1. Human Factors and Design for Supporting Healthcare Teams

Charlotte Tang, Yan Xiao, Yunan Chen and Paul Gorman

  1. Designing and Deploying Mobile Health Interventions

Charlotte Tang, Yan Xiao, Yunan Chen and Paul Gorman

Part IV. Applications

  1. Human-Computer Interaction in Medical Devices

Todd Johnson, Harold Thimbleby, Peter Killoran and Franck Diaz-Garelli

  1. Applying HCI Principles in Designing Usable Systems for Dentistry

Elsbeth Kalenderian and Muhammad Walji

  1. The Unintended Consequences of the Technology in Clinical Settings

Amy Franklin and Jeritt Thayer

  1. The Role of Human Computer Interaction in Consumer Health Applications: Current State, Challenges and Future

Holly Jimison and Misha Pavel

  1. Intelligent Decision Support in Personal Health: Personalized Health Coaching in Type 2 Diabetes

Lena Mamykina, Elliot Mitchell, Pooja Desai and David Albers

Part V. Future Directions

  1. Looking Forward: The Role of Human Computer Interaction and Cognition in Healthcare

Andre Kushniruk, David Kaufman, Thomas Kannampallil and Vimla Patel

Subject Index